Commodity Beef Causes the Most Deforestation


Since the turn of the millennium, the world has been losing around 5 million hectares of forest every yr. Nearly all of this occurs in the tropics; about half of all deforestation takes place in Brazil and Indonesia.

Three-quarters is driven by agriculture. Beef production is responsible for 41% of deforestation; palm oil and soybeans account for another 18%; and logging for paper and wood across the tropics, another 13%. These industries are also dominant in a few fundamental countries.

Effective solutions will exist focused on these agricultural activities and those countries where most deforestation occurs.

Every year the world loses around 5 1000000 hectares of forest. 95% of this occurs in the tropics. At least three-quarters of this is driven by agriculture – clearing forests to abound crops, enhance livestock and produce products such as paper.i

If nosotros want to tackle deforestation we need to sympathize two fundamental questions: where nosotros're losing forests, and what activities are driving it. This allows us to target our efforts towards specific industries, products, or countries where they volition accept the greatest bear upon.

In a report published in Global Environmental Change, Florence Pendrill and colleagues addressed both of these questions.two They quantified how much and where deforestation occurs from the expansion of croplands, pasture and tree plantations (for logging), and what products are grown on this converted land. They also combined this with global trade flows to assess how much of this deforestation was driven by international trade – we look at the function of trade specifically in a related article.

Here we'll expect at both where tropical deforestation is happening and what products are driving it.

Brazil and Republic of indonesia account for almost half of tropical deforestation

The written report by Pendrill et al. (2019) found that, between 2005 and 2013, the tropics lost an average of 5.5 meg hectares of wood per yr to agronomical country. That was a decade agone, but the world is still losing a like corporeality today: using satellite data, researchers at Global Forest Watch estimate that global deforestation in 2019 was around 5.iv million hectares.3 95% of this was in the tropics. Merely where in the torrid zone did we lose this woods?

In the nautical chart we see the share of tropical deforestation by land and region. Information technology's measured as the almanac average between 2010 and 2014.

One-third of tropical deforestation happened in Brazil. That was 1.7 million hectares each year. The other single country where large wood areas are lost is Republic of indonesia – it accounted for 14%. This ways around half (47%) of tropical deforestation took place in Brazil and Republic of indonesia. Again, if we wait at more than contempo satellite information we find that this is nonetheless true today: in 2019, the world lost 5.iv million hectares to deforestation, with Brazil and Indonesia accounting for 52% of it.4 As we will run across later on, the expansion of pasture for beef production, croplands for soy and palm oil, and increasingly conversion of chief wood to tree plantations for newspaper and pulp accept been the key drivers of this.

The expansion of pasture lands have as well had a major touch on on land use in the balance of the Americas – exterior of Brazil, Latin America deemed for around one-fifth of deforestation.

The expansion of agronomical country in Africa deemed for around 17.5% of deforestation. This may slightly underestimate the loss of forests in Africa, for two reasons. Much of Africa'south deforestation has been driven by subsistence agronomical activities, which are not always fully captured in national statistics. Secondly, depending on the permanence of agronomical activities such as slash-and-burn farming, some of this wood loss might be classified as temporary woods degradation rather than permanent deforestation.

Beefiness, soy and palm oil are responsible for 60% of tropical deforestation

If we want to tackle deforestation nosotros too need to know what causes it. That allows us to avoid the foods that drive deforestation or innovate the means we produce them.

In the nautical chart hither we meet the breakdown of tropical deforestation past the types of agricultural output.

Beefiness stands out immediately. The expansion of pasture land to enhance cattle was responsible for 41% of tropical deforestation. That'south 2.ane million hectares every yr – nigh one-half the size of the Netherlands. Most of this converted land came from Brazil; its expansion of beefiness production accounts for i-quarter (24%) of tropical deforestation. This also means that most (72%) deforestation in Brazil is driven past cattle ranching.5 Cattle in other parts of Latin America – such as Argentina and Paraguay – also accounted for a large amount of deforestation – 11% of the full. Most deforestation for beef therefore occurs in Latin America, with another 4% happening in Africa.

Palm oil and soy often merits the headlines for their ecology touch. They are categorised every bit 'oilseeds', which too include a range of smaller commodities such equally sunflower, rapeseed, and sesame. They collection 18% of deforestation. Hither we see that Indonesian palm oil was the biggest component of this. In neighbouring Malaysia the expansion of oil seeds was also a major driver of forest loss. Soybeans are the most common oilseed in Latin America. While many people immediately think of nutrient products such as tofu or soy milk, about of global soybean production is used equally feed for livestock, or biofuels. Simply 6% is used for straight human food. The impact of soy product is i we look at in more detail in a related article.

Combined, beef and oilseeds account for about 60% of deforestation.

If nosotros add the third largest commuter – forestry products, which is dominated by paper but as well includes timber – then we cover almost three-quarters. Across Europe and North America, forestry products mainly come from managed plantation forests that accept been established for a long period of time, or are grown on previously unforested land. This is different from most tropical countries where forestry products also come from the logging of principal rainforests or their replacement with plantations. This destroys primary rainforests and, as shown in the chart, has been an important driver of deforestation in Indonesia and elsewhere in Asia.

Related charts:

We can tackle a lot of deforestation by focusing on a few central supply chains

If almost three-quarters of tropical deforestation is driven by the production of a few key products – beef, soybeans, palm oil, and paper – then nosotros tin can achieve a lot by focusing our efforts on these supply chains.

At that place are some signs that progress is possible. Soybean production in Brazil was once also an important driver of deforestation in the Amazon region.6 In 2006, under pressure from retailers and NGOs, the world's major soybean traders signed Brazil's Soy Moratorium (SoyM) – the globe's starting time voluntary zero-deforestation agreement. Traders agreed that they would non purchase soy that was grown on deforested lands in the Brazilian Amazon after July 2006. Overall, information technology was a success: in the two years before the agreement, 30% of soybean expansion in the region came at the expense of forest; subsequently, deforestation declined dramatically and by 2014 only 1% of expansion was turning forests into land for oilseed production.7,8

But, equally we show in our article on the bear upon of soy, there are as well lessons to learn about how to implement these commitments more finer. At that place is evidence that while the moratorium reduced deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon, some of this deforestation may accept 'leaked' to neighbouring regions. Soybean production has shifted from the Amazon to the Cerrado region south of the Amazonas, ofttimes at the expense of forests at that place.9 This suggests that null-deforestation agreements tin exist constructive just must be considered in the wider context of how they shape forest and agricultural changes elsewhere. To combat this, researchers have suggested the SoyM be expanded to not only include the Amazon but besides regions such equally the Cerrado.ten

If we can take similar action in the other industries – beef, palm oil and paper – then at that place is the potential to cut out a big share of deforestation today.

Looking to the time to come, a shift in focus towards Sub-Saharan Africa looks likely. The demands for increased agricultural production in Africa are going to be large, and could come up at the cost of forests.11 Solutions there will have to focus on major improvements in crop yields and then African farmers tin can produce more food without increasing the corporeality of state they need to do so.

Alternative means of making loftier-quality protein could also exist transformative. Beef is the leading commuter of deforestation, and the demand for meat across the world volition go along to grow in the coming decades. Technological innovations in meat substitute and cultured meat products would allow people to keep eating meat-like products without the destruction of tropical forests that come with information technology.

More of our articles on Forests and Deforestation…


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